Chord Symbols Video Tutorials Announcement

If you learned the traditional way of reading music and you’re curious to learn another approach – one that will allow you to experience more freedom and variety in your playing – Watch this short video to learn more about what’s in store at my studio. Here’s what’s happening . . . 

Over the next couple months, I’ll be posting a series of brief videos that offer instruction about how to read chord symbols. Some of the topics will include: chord types, chord positions (inversions), voice-leading and basic chord progressions.

In addition to helping improve your playing skills, these instructional videos are designed to establish a starting place for learning how to improvise and compose. So, if creative music-making is a priority for you, be sure to stay tuned to my blog and Youtube channel (

Discover your music-making potential right here with me. I’m Scott Wright – thanks for stopping by Piano Plus Teaching Studio.

Piano Plus cello recording session (Part 2)

Part 1

Last month, I introduced the readers of my blog to a recording project that two of my students participated in. This post continues the story by inviting you to listen in on part of the recording session (see video below) and to request your feedback.

A little background

Last fall, Justin (pictured below) expressed an interest in performing a piece I had just written for solo piano. Since we happened to be in the planning stages of a new project series (Piano Plus 1), I suggested that we pair the piano for this particular song with cello.

Clockwise from left: Me, Justin & Elise discussing "Trance" during our recording session.

Clockwise from left: Me, Justin & Elise discussing "Trance" during our recording session.

This decision actually ended up serving a double benefit. First, Justin gained some valuable playing experience (this was his first time performing with another highly skilled musician in a professional recording studio). Second, the singing sound of the cello ended up being the perfect choice to showcase one of the main melodies of the song.

How'd it go? 

All in all, we were really happy with the results. We all learned something new and had a lot of fun in the process. Okay, so . . . end of story and on to the next project, right? Well, not quite.

Feedback from others

Turns out that many of the people who have listened to this song like to comment on how they imagine the music supporting a picture theme or soundtrack. These thoughts and opinions have tended to sound something like . . . "You know, this music reminds me of __________." . .  OR . .  "I could really hear this music going with __________."

Feedback from you?

Long story short - The feedback of others gave us the idea to scout for even more feedback! Seriously though, we're hoping that your thoughts and opinions might offer us some clues about selecting a visual theme to use for our new "extended" music project.

It all starts with listening

No need to decide about providing feedback at this point - we'd ask that you simply watch and listen to the short video below. You'll notice a series of questions on the screen that will (hopefully) prompt your powers of imagination.  Enjoy!

Our Goal

As you might have already guessed, our goal is to combine a series of photographs with the full-length audio recording from this session (about four and a half minutes in length). Obviously, we're most interested in selecting images that, in our opinion, best capture the essence of this original music.

If you'd like to Participate . . .

Great! If you're interested in sharing your thoughts about the video you just watched, we'd love to hear from you! Please complete the contact form on this page ("Request more Information") or leave your comments below. Thanks!

Our Thanks

Once again, we'd like to express our thanks to cellist Elise Hughey and sound engineer Marc Webster for all their help on this project. You guys rock!

3 Themes, 2 Superheroes and 1 Talented Artist (Part 1)

3 Themes, 2 Superheroes and 1 Talented Artist (Part 1)

Before the holiday season began last year, I asked some of my students if they’d be interested in combining piano music with other art forms that they liked. Many, including my student Giada (pictured), said yes. What prompted the idea? Well, I’d say two things.

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Adult student interview with nurse Kitty

Adult student interview with nurse Kitty

Kitty Forbush is a professional nurse with Pluta Cancer Center who, in 2014, won the Hearts and Hands award given by the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. We sat down recently to talk about her experiences as a returning piano student and aspiring vocal performer.

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Piano Plus cello recording session (part 1)

Piano Plus cello recording session (part 1)

Well, we’re gearing up for the second season of our Piano Plus 1 collaborative projects and we’re off to an amazing start! Two of my students, Justin and Lucas, recently had an opportunity to perform their music with cellist Elise Hughey at Blue on Blue recording studio here in Rochester, NY.

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